On August 7, 2005, the 10th birthday was celebrated, a day in Yazoo's life worth to be celebrated. Everything was alright, Yazoo was healthy and funny, happy as always ...... 16 days later the World just caved in: Yazoo went over the Rainbow Bridge in the evening at 7:59 ...... completely unforeseeable, completely unexpected ..........
Three times Yazoo was born: on August 7, 1995, when she saw the light of day. On August 4/5, 2000, when she survived the horror trip to Canada. On June 2/3, 2004, when all of a sudden within a few minutes she broke down with high fever and was back home only 24 hours after a hard emergency surgery. She was always a fighter - completely according to her sign of Zodiac - but sometimes also a "kamikaze" - an extremely endearing kamikaze. And this characteristic fas finally the reason why Yazoo failed in her last fight: never ever she indicated when something was wrong with her, always in the very last moment. To the bitter end she pretended to be the funny, healthy, bursting with energy girl .......... There was no fourth chance for her and myself: Her last fight was lost by this strong, incredible, wonderful present of Heaven, in spite of all the vets' effort on August 23, 2005, at 7:59 p.m. .........
 August 20, 2005 - Does a star look like that, when stopping to shine three days later ???
Yazoo, I cannot believe that you are gone. I cannot believe and I don't want to understand that my beloved Star does not shine any more, that your light on earth has disappeared. Yazoo, all the family members, who have already gone over the Rainbow Bridge, took a piece of my heart with them, but you took nearly all of it ... How shall I continue???
Only once in a life - if ever - one has such a very special friend and companion, and YOU are and were this "once in a life". My dear Yazoo: Thank you that you have owned me for nearly 10 years; thank you for the "education" you granted me; thanks for all the luck you brought me; thank you for your infinite trust in me; thanks for your wonderful children - especially Whoopy and Frizzy, who keep a bit of your spirit alive in this house; thank you for your consolation and cheering up when I needed it; thank you that you have been and will always remain forever the Champion of my heart .......... thanks for YOU. You are gone, but in my heart you will live forever, and one day we meet again on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, where you will wait for me together with all the other family members from here. Until that day I truely miss you ........
People from all over the World sympathize with your good-bye. Not only friends and owners of your kids, but also people who have only met you once or have heard or read about you. Here is a small excerpt of this sympathy:
Inger - your special admirer and "mother" of your son "Chaos" (Sweden) "She hung the Sun the Stars and that Moon in between. She was my dreammaker, now she's the wind beneath my wings."
Lynda, loving "mom" of your daughter "Celine" (California/USA) "A little piece of my heart is gone tonight. Yazoo meant a lot to me as the mother of Celine, and the enjoyment I had handling her after she had gone Winners Bitch."
Ylenia, "mother" of your son "Falco" (Italy) "Now we have a guardin angel looking down at all of us and protecting us."
Ruth, the "mother" of your son "Ferri" (Switzerland) "My heart is in big grieve about Yazoo. I thank Yazoo for the great son she gave us. If one knew Yazoo one knew how a Briard should be. ... I will always carry your beloved girl in my heart. Her son Ferry will always remind me on her, the Queen of Briards. ..."
Deb und Charlie, the "parents" of you children "Raven" and "Shadow" (New Hamshire/USA) "... We have given our two beautiful briards extra hugs for the loss of their mother and they send you their love. We will continue to send good thought to you and yours. ..."
Lana, loving "mother" of your children "Cou" and "Romeo" (Pennsylvania/USA) "I have just returned from the UK where I saw the shocking news of Yazoo's passing. I was accessing her webpage for our cousin to enjoy this superlative Briard when this occurred. To say that we send our deepest sympathy sounds so trite compared with the heartfelt pain which we share with you. I would call, but knowing well your feelings (and mine too) we both could probably not converse at this time. She was truly the epitome of so much of our breed and gave all of us her charm and joie de vivre. Her many progeny will immortalize her soul forever for your extended family. You and the family are deep in our hearts with your bereavement on occasion of her passing."
Edith und Alois (Austria) "... She is waiting there (on the Rainbow Bridge) for us for showing us, who knew and loved her, the way to Paradise. Yazoo is gone, she now is free and our tears wish her luck. Tonight I will look up to the stars and will know that Yazoo is looking down on us. She will watch over you, she will protect you and will be the most shining star in the sky."
Ingrid Eder (Austria) "... it was a big shock for me - as she was one of my darlings! - a gorgeous girl with lots of heart and brains. I am incredibly sorry that I will never again meet her on this side of the bridge."
Don & Kay Cline (USA) "Yazoo was a MOST SPECIAL girl indeed."
Veronique Maroux (Canada) "Take comfort in the beautiful children she has produced and that are carying her great qualities."
Edith Greten (Germany) "I am sitting in front of my desktop crying."
Doris Schechter (Germany) "I have always held Yazoo in high regard, she really was a dreamlike Briard - and for sure a dreamlike partner for you and your pack. Yes, it also saddens me very much and it's hard for me to find words."
KR Ernst Kugler (Austria) "A dog's life does not end with the death, it only ends with the end of love to it."
Lots of thanks to all those who lit a candle for Yazoo, who spend consolation, who are here for me during this hard time and who show understanding for me.
On August 26, 2005, early in the morning, Yazoo was cremated in my presence and since then forever watches over everyone here in the house, to where she brought so much luck, happiness and life. A warm thank you to those friends who immediately - without hesitating - generously donated for the purpose that this sincere wish of mine comes true, so that this very special star of my life can now always be with me.
Since November 25, 2005 a most beautiful drawing of Yazoo decorates a wall in our living room. A tribute to one forever unforgotten Briard Angel: